トップページ > 研究部紹介 > 細胞組織再生医学研究部 > 業績 > 2011年(平成23年)


  1. Konno M, Masui S, Hamazaki TS, Okochi H.
    Intracellular reactivation of transcription factors fused with protein transduction domain.
    J Biotechnol. 154:298-303, 2011.
  2. Miyagaki T, Sugaya M, Okochi H, Asano Y, Tada Y, Kadono T, Blauvelt A, Tamaki K, Sato S.
    Blocking MAPK Signaling Downregulates CCL21 in Lymphatic Endothelial Cells and Impairs Contact Hypersensitivity Responses.
    J Invest Dermatol. 131:1927-35, 2011.
  3. Miyagaki T, Sugaya M, Murakami T, Asano Y, TadaY, Kadono T, Okochi H, Tamaki K, Sato S.
    CCL11-CCR3 Interactions Promote Survival of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Cells via ERK1/2 Activation.
    Cancer Res. 71:2056-65, 2011.
  4. Ura H, Murakami K, Akagi T, Kinoshita K, Yamaguchi S, Masui S, Niwa H, Koide H, Yokota T.
    Eed/Sox2 regulatory loop controls ES cell self-renewal through histone methylation and acetylation.
    EMBO J. 30:2190-204, 2011.
  5. Nishi M, Akutsu H, Masui S, Kondo A, Nagashima Y, Kimura H, Perrem K, Shigeri Y, Toyoda M, Okayama A, Hirano H, Umezawa A, Yamamoto N, Lee SW, Ryo A.
    A distinct role for Pin1 in the induction and maintenance of pluripotency.
    J Biol Chem. 286:11593-603, 2011.



  1. Makoto Tokuhara, Yukio Saito, Toshio Shimizu, Satsuki Fukuda, Chikako Ishiguro, Masamitsu Konno, Tatsuo S Hamazaki, Hitoshi Okochi.
    Do adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) promote tumor growth?
    IFAT. Miami, Nov, 2011.


  1. 記村 貴之, 浜崎 辰夫, 菅谷 誠, 福田 尚司, 佐藤 伸一, 大河内 仁志.
    Effect of cilostazol on lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro and lymph flow in vivo.
    第36回日本研究皮膚科学会. 京都, 12月, 2011.
  2. 四津 里英, 玉木 毅, 大河内 仁志.
    Risk factors for delayed wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers.
    第36回日本研究皮膚科学会. 京都, 12月, 2011.
  3. 大河内 仁志.
    第20回日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会. 東京, 10月, 2011.
  4. 大河内 仁志.
    第4回FBTシンポジウム. 東京, 1月, 2012.



  1. Hitoshi Okochi.
    Adult Stem Cell: Sources and Characterization Tissue Engineering- From lab to Clinic. edited by Norbert Pallua and Christopf V.
    Suschek Springer. p83-92, 2011.


  1. 大河内 仁志.
    糖尿病足病変の再生医療 現状と将来展望.
    プラクティス. 28:295-299, 2011.

