トップページ > 研究部紹介 > 細胞組織再生医学研究部 > 業績 > 2008年(平成20年)


  1. Banas A, Teratani T, Yamamoto Y, Tokuhara M, Takeshita F, Osaki M, Kawamata M, Kato T, Okochi H, Ochiya T.
    IFATS collection: in vivo therapeutic potential of human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells after transplantation into mice with liver injury.
    Stem Cells. 26:2705-12, 2008.
  2. Kuwano Y, Fujimoto M, Watanabe R, Ishiura N, Nakashima H, Ohno Y, Yano S, Yazawa N, Okochi H, Tamaki K.
    Serum BAFF and APRIL levels in patients with alopecia areata.
    J Dermatol Sci. 50:236-9, 2008.
  3. Hoashi T, Okochi H, Kadono T, Tamaki K, Nishida M, Futami S, Maekawa K.
    A case of acute radiation syndrome from the dermatological aspect.
    Br J Dermatol. 158:597-602, 2008.
  4. Ishiura N, Fujimoto M, Watanabe R, Nakashima H, Kuwano Y, Yazawa N, Echigo T, Okochi H, Tamaki K.
    Serum levels of IgE anti-BP180 and anti-BP230 autoantibodies in patients with bullous pemphigoid.
    J Dermatol Sci. 49:153-61, 2008.
  5. Miyagi S, Masui S, Niwa H, Saito T, Shimazaki T, Okano H, Nishimoto M, Muramatsu M, Iwama A, Okuda A.
    Consequence of the loss of Sox2 in the developing brain of the mouse.
    FEBS Lett. 582:2811-5, 2008.
  6. Sharov AA, Masui S, Sharova LV, Piao Y, Aiba K, Matoba R, Xin L, Niwa H, Ko MS.
    Identification of Pou5f1, Sox2, and Nanog downstream target genes with statistical confidence by applying a novel algorithm to time course microarray and genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation data.
    BMC Genomics. 9:269, 2008.
  7. Masui S, Ohtsuka S, Yagi R, Takahashi K, Ko MS, Niwa H.
    Rex1/Zfp42 is dispensable for pluripotency in mouse ES cells.
    BMC Dev Biol. 8:45, 2008.
  8. Wakayama S, Ohta H, Hikichi T, Mizutani E, Iwaki T, Kanagawa O, Wakayama T.
    Production of healthy cloned mice from bodies frozen at -20 degrees C for 16 years.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 105:17318-22, 2008.
  9. Hikichi T, Kohda T, Wakayama S, Ishino F, Wakayama T.
    Nuclear transfer alters the DNA methylation status of specific genes in fertilized and parthenogenetically activated mouse embryonic stem cells.
    Stem Cells. 26:783-8, 2008.
  10. Tazumi S, Yabe S, Yokoyama J, Aihara Y, Uchiyama H.
    PMesogenin1 and 2 function directly downstream of Xtbx6 in Xenopus somitogenesis and myogenesis.
    Dev Dyn. 237:3749-61, 2008.


  1. 大河内 仁志.
    進みつずける細胞移植治療の実際. 上巻, 田畑泰彦 編集, 株式会社メディカルドウ, 大阪, p115-118, 2008.
  2. 大河内 仁志.
    糖尿病とメタボリックシンドローム4 動脈硬化と臓器障害. 近藤達也 ほか 監修, メジカルフレンド社, 東京, p224-232, 2008.
  3. 大河内 仁志.
    最新皮膚科学大系. 2008-2009, 玉置邦彦 総編集, 中山書店, p104-111, 2008.
  4. 升井 伸治, 丹羽 仁史.
    蛋白質核酸酵素. 共立出版, 東京, 53(2):164-168, 2008.




