トップページ > 研究部紹介 > 細胞組織再生医学研究部 > 業績 > 2004年(平成16年)


  1. Kawase Y, Yanagi Y, Fujimoto M, Okochi H.
    Characterization of multipotent stem cell in the skin-positive effect of TGF-beta on sphere colony formation.
    Exp Cell Res. 295:194-203, 2004.
  2. Itoh M, Hiraoka Y, Kataoka K, Huh NH, Tabata Y, Okochi H.
    Novel collagen sponge reinforced with polyglycolic acid fiber produces robust, normal hair in murine hair reconstitution model.
    Tissue Engineering. 10:818-24, 2004.
  3. Ura H, Takeda F, Okochi H.
    An in vitro outgrowth culture system for normal human keratinocytes.
    J Dermatol Sci. 35:19-28, 2004.
  4. Yano S, Komine M, Fujimoto M, Okochi H, Tamaki K.
    Mechanical stretching in vitro regulates signal transduction pathways and cellular proliferation in human epidermal keratinocytes.
    J Invest Dermatol. 122:783-90, 2004.
  5. Asano N, Fujimoto M, Yazawa N, Shirasawa S, Hasegawa M, Okochi H, Tamaki K, Tedder TF, Sato S.
    B Lymphocyte signaling established by the CD19/CD22 loop regulates autoimmunity in the tight-skin mouse.
    Am J Pathol. 165:641-50, 2004.
  6. Kaburagi Y, Yamashita R, Ito Y, Okochi H, Yamamoto-Honda R, Yasuda K, Sekihara H, Sasazuki T, Kadowaki T, Yazaki Y.
    Insulin- induced cell cycle progression is impaired in Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing insulin receptor substrate-3.
    Endocrinology. 145:5862-5874, 2004.
  7. Watanabe T, Murakami T, Okochi H, Kikuchi K, Furue M.
    Eccrine poroma associated with Bowen's disease.
    Int J Dermatol. 43:472-3, 2004.
  8. Faigle R, Brederlau A, Arvidsson Y, Uramoto H, Hamazaki TS, Eriksson S, Funa K.
    ASK1 Inhibits Astroglial Development via p38 MAP Kinase and Promotes Neuronal Differentiation in Adult-Derived Hippocampal Progenitor Cells.
    Mol Cell Biol. 24:280-93, 2004.


  1. 大河内 仁志.
    最新皮膚科学体系19. 皮膚の発生・機能と病態, 玉置邦彦 総編集, 中山書店, 東京, p72-79, 2004.
  2. 大河内 仁志.
    医学のあゆみ. 211:824-825, 2004.




